Internet of Things (IOT)

Maldonado Law has practiced in the niche field of IOT Devices and Connected Devices since 2010. Our practice has included participation with development teams to meet the regulatory needs of the final operative devices as well as preparing the business and transactional aspects of getting to launch, Maldonado Law has also worked with its clients on commercial aspects of IoT developed devices and systems including consumers instructions, disclaimers and regulatory labeling of connectivity, such as emitters and wireless applications, as well as certification of wireless devices under the FCC’s Part 15 rules. Some of the services we offer clients includes:

  • Software & Platform Transactional Agreements for IoT devices
  • E-Commerce Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policies & Disclaimers
  • Direct consumer shrink-wrap agreements and licenses
  • Regulatory compliance labeling
  • IoT platform management agreements
  • U.S. Importation issues for IoT devices including labeling and certification impoundment
  • Pre-import compliance planning of IoT devices and components
  • Wireless data and connectivity agreements
  • Integration with Mobile Apps & Digital Media
  • FAA regulation and Drone Law
  • Data Breach & Hacking Events

Contact Maldonado Law to schedule a confidential initial consultation about your IOT device or business and related legal issues as well as learn about our pricing and experience.

Contact Us

2850 S. Douglas Road, Suite 303, Coral Gables, FL 33134

Office hours