Communications & Media Practice

Our frim works with a variety of providers within the field of wireless. Our services include licensure and regulatory matters with the FCC, defense of FCC violations, commercial transactions and contracts, as well as consultation as to commercial and regulatory implications of new services or internal problems. We work with commercial operator licensees on a one-on-one basis whether they are an upstart reseller, an MVNO wholesale reseller or a seasoned company.

The FCC requires all telecommunication carriers to offer international and domestic commercial service originating or terminating in the United States to obtain a Section 214 authority before providing service. The term telecommunication carriers has been interrupted by the FCC to include wireless providers and commercial radio services including but not limited to Personal Communications Service (PCS), Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) service, Private Land Mobile Radio service and satellite services. The requirement to seek Authority pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214 to provide international or domestic long distance services is absolute. The statute is a prohibitive statute requiring prior approval by the FCC before services can be rendered. This requirement is not only limited to upstart companies in the telecommunication field, but also acquisitions of telecommunication carriers by other carriers or companies, who must seek a transfer of control prior to any acquisition of a carrier or its assets, be they large or small.

Contact Maldonado Law to schedule a confidential initial consultation about any Federal or Florida Agency matter you may have and ask about our experience and rates

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2850 S. Douglas Road, Suite 303
Coral Gables, FL 33134

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